
Anal Fistula

The anus is a part of our body where poop comes out. If a tunnel forms between the skin and the muscular opening of the digestive tract (anus), it’s called an anal fistula.



Circumcision is when they surgically remove the skin from the tip of a boy’s penis. It’s something some baby boys get in certain places, like the United States. You can also get circumcised after you’re born.


Anal Polyps

In our bodies, cells usually grow in a neat way. But sometimes, for reasons we don’t know, cells can grow too much in a certain part. When this happens in the colon or rectal area, it can cause something called polyps.



Even if you don’t always notice the signs, lots of people deal with a common health issue called piles. We also help treat piles during pregnancy. But, by making a few changes in your life and trying some things at home, most people feel better and get relief from the symptoms.


Pilonidal Sinus

A Pilonidal Sinus is a tiny hole in the skin near the tailbone, above the buttocks. Sometimes it can get filled with pus or fluid, making a sore or a lump. It may have dirt, hair, and stuff in it. This can be really painful and might get infected.


Anal Fissure Treatment

Anal fissures aren’t a big health problem and can happen to anyone, no matter how old they are. They often occur in babies and young kids because constipation is common in them. If you have an anal fissure, you can get treatment at Dr. Neha Muttha’s clinic.


Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are something a lot of people get, especially if they’re over 50. It happens when the veins in your legs get big and twisted, making your legs hurt and look not so nice.



Many women around the world deal with breast issues. In Pune, Dr. Neha Mutha is a top expert in this. She has lots of experience and has helped many women in Pune with their breast problems.


Feel free to ask us anything! If you need help with your own situation, you can come in for a free talk with us!